A one-size-fits-all all approach to weight loss is unrealistic. At Care360 Aesthetics and Wellness we do our due diligence to understand our patient’s individual goals and lifestyle in order to provide tailored, personalized treatments that bring about the results they desire. Consultations and assessments allow us to develop customized treatment plans anchored at a nexus of medicine, nutrition and behavioural therapy. This methodology ensures our clients achieve sustainable long-term weight loss and improve their overall health. This program we provide at all of our clinic locations including Irvington, New Jersey USA and Ikoyi Lagos, Nigeria.
* Care360 Aesthetics and Wellness provides an entirely non-surgical option under an array of weight management and obesity treatment programs that may include a combination of peptides, Tirzapetide or Semaglutide and accompanied with effective nutritional counseling plans and exercise. that serve to suppress appetite, boost metabolism and accelerate weight loss
* Regular check ins scheduled behavioral therapy and maintenance programming allows our services to extend beyond initial weight loss results. We provide support and collectively with our clients explore and respond to challenges our clients encounter as they proceed in their weight loss journey for optimal results.
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